Lia Sturua – Nails / على المسامير – من الشعر الجيورجي صوت أحمد قطليش*** [The frozen street forces me to walk on nails]The frozen street forces me to walk on nails:The sharp sides pointed towards me,The heads – deep in the ground.Looking out of the window I am already frightened,I make a deal with the TVAnd some announcers grow inside my throatLike nettlesAnd eventually they start talking like me:Emotions on the top of the tongue,a background in philology…Leaving all those at homeI go out easier,The nail-street,Bends lie a cat’s back -Soft, with some warmth inside.Who remembers me?Is it really possible to stretch a handFrom out of the graveAs though from out of a blanket?Translated by Dalila Gogia and Tim Kercher